Sage Advice

Do not piss off vegans is good life advice overall and even more for any restauranteur in that space.  Echo Park’s Sage found that out when they added regenerative farmed meat to its menu in an attempt to climb out of a financial deficit and though no official word has been seen by me, that probably means that the brewing operations are kaput as well.  During the last hop harvest that I attended, I kept hearing Texas in discussion and that appears where the owners are consolidating down to.

With the loss of Mohawk Bend and Sunset Beer, that makes Echo Park a bit of a craft desert.  

Itchy Fingers & Lupulin Harvest

I have had one beer made with hops from Sow A Heart Farm (read about the farm in this months Beer Paper). It was a California Common from Boomtown Brewery.

Now time to check a couple more….

Lupulin Harvest from Frogtown Brewing – Pours shimmery orange in color. Sharp bitterness to it. Earthy. Has some navel orange notes to it. A bit one note to me. 

Itchy Fingers from MacLeod Ales – Now this is more like it. Yes, I did pick some of the hops in this beer, so there is a bias but this has a punchy hop of grapefruit and earth to it.

Hops by Hand

Earlier this month, I made the drive to Fillmore, CA and the Sow A Heart Regenerative Farm to help harvest hops. Cascade hops to be precise and it was great fun to not only feel the cones in your hand fresh off the bine but to see harvesting done pretty much by hand because even the one machine used was nothing compared to the big growers of the NW.

More will be revealed in the September Beer Paper issue coming out soon but until then a few photos to whet the appetite…

Hop field with chicken
Goat eating spent brewing grain
In go the hops

Wet Hoptoberfest

Sage Vegan is L.A.’s connection to fresh / wet hops and this year they are having a hoppy event.

Here is the the info: “Wet Hop beers are made only once a year right around harvest time. It’s when you pluck the hops right off the bine and brew with them 24 hours later. It’s as fresh as you can get for beer and lends a grassy, bright flavor to the beers. This year we decided to celebrate all 8 amazing breweries around town that made wet hop beers with hops from our 18 acre regenerative organic farm in Fillmore, CA. Many of the breweries came out with staff and helped harvest the very ingredient they used the next day. In an age of everyone being so disconnected from their food and beverage this was truly a special experience for all of us involved.”

The event will at the Old Town Pasadena courtyard at One Colorado and $25 will get you a mini taster mug and unlimited pours of the beers.”