Each month, I focus a spotlight on breweries from a city, region, country but this month, I am throwing a change-up. There are quite a few big, burly beers that are described as having a fig like flavor to them. But oddly enough not a large amount of beers actually have Figs in them.
Now I am not a fan. Wouldn’t eat a raw or cooked fig or know if one is preferable to the other. But I would at least try a fig enhanced beer. So, this month, instead of the normal taster tray from one brewery, I will roll out (over three posts) a fig flavored taster tray from past and present.
We start, appropriately enough with Figueroa Mountain and their 4th Anniversary beer that is brewed in the style of an Abbey Quad. The base beer was then aged in oak barrels with figs. The finished beer will bear dark fruit aromas and caramel notes with yeast spiciness.
Beer # 2 is 2Xmas from New York’s Southern Tier. This version is a winter warmer with four varieties of malts plus orange peel, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger plus the figs giving it a spice cake or mulled wine flavor profile.
That’s the start of Fig-cember tasting tray.