If you are strong of stomach and want to explore the sour side of beer, well the Sour Friends are back on the 18th at Cellador Ales.

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If you are strong of stomach and want to explore the sour side of beer, well the Sour Friends are back on the 18th at Cellador Ales.
Cellador was always going to have some great sours to sample at this year’s fest. You could probably just blindly pick and get something great, but I have a few choices that you should add to your glass, and to make it simple, I will use only (3) words to describe them…
Picture Brain from Brouwerij West – blueberries, solera, Syrah
Carrot King from Cellador – Nantes carrots, Bugs Bunny, wild
Violet Underground 5.5 from Firestone Walker BarrelWorks – SLOambic, Somerset, berries
Mellifluent from The Rare Barrel – strawberry, peach, mango
Check out the full list HERE.