Next up is a Christmas Ale, named Christmas Ale from Sly Fox in Pennsylvania…
filled with, “Expressive mulling spices swirl and mingle in this full-bodied red ale” and covered with gingerbread men on the can.
Take the Lid off
Sly Fox has flipped canning 180 degrees with its 360 Lid. Instead of a tab to a small opening, the 360 Lid let’s you remove the top of the can completely, magically creating an aluminum cup for your Helles. (and later their Pikeland Pils!)
Now how will the foreign owned industrial water lager producers respond?
Xmas 2012 – Sly Fox / Christmas Ale
Today we get some Pennsylvania Christmas courtesy of Sly Fox….
“This malty, full-bodied red ale is made with traditional mulling spices: Ginger, Clove, All Spice, Cinnamon & Nutmeg. If this one doesn’t get you into the Christmas spirit, you truly are a Scrooge.”