A Podcast & A Beer – Drifting Off with Joe Pera

Drifting Off With Joe Pera is an odd duck of a podcast but that is part of its charm.  Labeled as an “evening comedy podcast”. Hosted by comedian Joe Pera along with the composer Ryan Dann. 

It has a very calming narration and moody music that allows you to do what the title says, drift off.  A recent of the monthly episodes was in Ireland and it was a tiny travelogue of weird associations that was very cool. This might not be for everyone but if you listen carefully it might just hook you.

For beer, I would look for a beer from your favorite brewery that you know when you order it, you will drop the stress and worry of the day.  For me that could be a beer from my hometown of Portland like Wayfinder or pFriem or Heater Allen.  It could also be that soul food style of beer like a British pub ale to me.

Why We Sleep

I was reading the somewhat scary book Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker just knowing that alcohol was probably due for a moment under the microscope, and so it was…

The sedative effects of alcohol create two effects to sleeping. One is that it disrupts a full continuous nights worth of sleep and secondly, the chemicals set loose by alcohol prevents REM sleep (the dreaming part of sleep).

Other sleep problems are more pressing such as being shoehorned into a business or school schedule that does not care if you got your full 8 hours or if you are an early riser or late riser. Caffeine and other eating habits as well as the use of blue LED lights in our devices are contributors to sleep issues as well.

And while this blog is all about beer, I do have to advocate for changing your habits to not drink as much (I’m cutting back on the amount I consume) and to not drink late into the evening and to excess.