Rose v Rose

Rose styled beers are not one unified flavor profile. This point was vividly driven home by a recent side-by-side of two California regional breweries exploration of the style.

First up is Sparkale from 21st Amendment. This one boasts apples an cherries in the recipe and that is pounded home. This is what a Martinelli’s Sparkling cider would taste like, in beer form. Apple up front with cherry notes at the back. It pours a much darker red which puts it out of rose pink range.

Second is Rosalie, which I have effused about on this blog before. The difference in color is striking as is the flavor. This is a wine-beer hybrid. With a dry but effervescent character.

I have also tasted the Eagle Rock effort in this sub-style and found it in taster size, to be cloying with a lead note of sweetness.

Whether or not this category settles on a recipe or not, I believe the more sweet may rule but they are too close to juice boxes for me.

Review – Rosalie from Firestone Walker

This new Beer Rose from Firestone Walker pours a vivid rose color prompting my wife to say that it was the prettiest beer that I have had in a while. (probably a comment on recent hazy beers) The Hibiscus is in full effect. Rosalie smells like a light wine wine and is almost spritzer like, in a good way.  The grape taste is strong but more in a winery pressing after a harvest way. It is fizzy on the tongue and has a light kiss of malt at the back along with some jam notes.