My wife rolled her eyes a bit when she saw the above post, and I get it, most Facebook aphorisms are corny in the light of day but in terms of looking at beer, the above can be helpful.
I think it is healthy to balance the trio of the past, the now and the future. Drift to far into the now and you are doomed to repeat mistakes, living in the future deprives you of the present. You get it.
Here are three ways to keep that teeter totter even:
At your next beer get-together, talk about your favorite brewery that you have visited.
Instead of chasing after those low quantity, highly posted about beers, instead, reach for that Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, a Fat Tire or a Duvel.
When you plan your next big beer trip, add in the places that you know will be solid.
Simple stuff, that, but it will help keep you on track.