I don’t know how to get from the name Resin to Puff but that is the evolution of this new canned beer from Sixpoint Brewery. It is the unfiltered version of Resin. Would make for an educational side-by-side taste test.
Review – Resin from Sixpoint Brewery
In the past few months, I have had beer from 32oz can”nons” from Mission Brewing and now with Resin from Sixpoint, I am reviewing a super skinny 12oz can.
Odd shaped can. Almost energy drink size. Resin pours a bright orange. Leaves plenty of lacing on the glass. Aroma is herbal and dank. Taste has some navel orange notes but also carries a wallop of alcohol. The bitterness is there at the top of the mouth. But doesn’t really smack you much. A bit medicinal too.
Plus it has a cool Statue of Liberty graphic embedded in the bar code.