Name That Beer

I do enjoy when a brewery crowdsources a beer name. I know it might be a headache to go through the weeding out process but I think it can yield an out of the box name.

And for their 30 Year Anniversary celebration this year, Beer of the Month Club is joining up with “The Lost Abbey and Offshoot Beer Co., to craft four exclusive beers that will be made available only to members of The Rare Beer Club® and The Microbrewed Beer of the Month Club™.”

More info: “Members and non-members alike will be invited to enter the contest beginning on March 21st with an entry deadline of Friday March 29th. Participants will be able to submit up to three names for each of the four beers to be named in the contest and the winners will be awarded a $150 Gift Card.”

Click HERE to enter.

Rare Beer selection

Have you had a Czech IPA?

Well check out this description from the Rare Beer Club: “This month, The Rare Beer Club™ is featuring a craft beer from the Czech Republic that was made just once and is available exclusively to its members. Even more exciting is that it might represent the creation of a new beer style. Although “one-offs” don’t generally qualify as creating a style, we sincerely hope it to be the case here since “Czech IPA”, if anything like this beer, would be a welcomed addition to the various styles currently defined. So, who’s behind this very unusual brew? None other than Michael Jackson himself.

It was with a heavy heart and a feeling of gratitude that we first sampled Kocour IPA Samuraj as it was a beer Michael encouraged the brewer to create. Sadly, he never got the chance to taste what may be the Czech Republic’s first IPA, but we still feel a strong sense of respect and celebration with the feeling that Michael was reaching out from the afterlife to turn us all on to yet another great beer.”