When Bludso’s BBQ opens near you and by you I mean a brewery, then you do have to collaborate. It’s an L.A. given and if you don’t believe me then read on to this beer description from Santa Monica Brew Works, “pecan wood was chosen for its delicate and slightly nutty flavor characteristics. After spending an afternoon in the smoker, the malt acquired the desired charred & toasted notes.
Yet, despite its smoky character, this beer is not dark – it’s light and easy-drinking. The German word ‘helles’ means ‘pale’ in color – it’s a style defined by a brilliant golden hue and smooth, clean finish. The beer clocks in at a sessionable 4.9% ABV.
The smokiness is soft – not overwhelming. The goal was to enhance the base flavors of the brew rather than mask them. This beer pairs perfectly with food. It’ll go great with barbecue, pizza, and even salad.”