It might be a little past Oktoberfest season but we can easily look past that minor faux pas as ever creative Long Beach Beer Lab is combining the fest atmosphere with their 7th anniversary, making October 20th a two-fer.

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It might be a little past Oktoberfest season but we can easily look past that minor faux pas as ever creative Long Beach Beer Lab is combining the fest atmosphere with their 7th anniversary, making October 20th a two-fer.
Time to dip into the Oktoberfest well again with…
Prost, a toast to bock from Paperback Brewing in Glendale an Festbier from Claremont Craft Ales.
Enough Okto talk and time for an Oktoberfest bier review as we dive into the 2024 cross cultural collaboration between Sierra Nevada with Brauerei Gutmann.
At 6%, this Oktoberfest is on the higher side. The beer pours a yellow streaked orange and the malt is strong in the aroma. The first has a big hit of minerality to it. Which is followed by the malt profile. I detect a little orange peel hop note swirling around as well. Also getting a hefeweizen note as well which makes this beer a bit of a hybrid.
Our third round of Fest Biers brings a duo that you won’t have to seek to far afield to taste…
To the left is Lighter-Hosen from Far Field in Lawndale and next to it, also with a fancy mug is Seek Beer Co.s Fest Bier.
And how about a pair from R.T. Rogers Brewing Co. as well….
If you need more than one day to properly fest, well Benny Boy Brewing has a whole weekend planned for you and whomever holds your stein for you….
On the 21st, if you are looking to get fest-bier-ive, head to North Hollywood and Hop Merchants ( maybe they should re-brand ad Fest Merchants that day ) for their Oktoberfest celebrations.
You will get the usual pretzels and stein holding but they will also have great Okto drafts too.
Can you imagine being a brewery since 1701? Crazy. Just crazy enough that Sierra Nevada has tapped Brauerei Gutmann, for the 2024 edition of their collaborative Oktoberfest.
This year’s beer celebrates with more wheat malt in the recipe in a nod to Gutmann’s famous Hefeweizens. There are also Saphir hops to add a little lemon to the proceedings.
Here in Los Angeles, September is the last real dry and hot month and I am so happy to see fall on the horizon. Except that fall brings the always too soon Fall Y’all Pumpkin Spice nonsense, followed concurrently by always too soon Christmas. So let’s do our best to stay in the present and keep our eye on all things Oktoberfest.
~ e-visits to (3) breweries in Colorado in anticipation of GABF
~ special featured reviews of Oktoberfest beers + tips on Fest Biers to buy in SoCal
~Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark
~ A Book & A Beer reads The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley
~ A Podcast & A Beer listens to the NPR 4th Grade Podcast Challenge
~ Sports & A Beer returns with beer prices in the Premier League
~ New Beer Releases and Best Beers of the Month
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world.
This post is a reminder about a L.A. beer company that you can support while also learning about beer. It is Your Beer Friend and they have an upcoming event all about Oktoberfest. They will be “doing a public virtual tasting with six beers – all Oktoberfest themed. Learn the difference between Märzen and Festbier and what makes a beer officially an “Oktoberfest Bier”. And, for the truly adventurous, we’ll be blind tasting 6 Oktoberfest beers in order to rank your favorite.”
Register by September 30th right HERE for the October 11th tasting.
This post isn’t sponsored by the Pumpkin Beer Alliance, but beer is pulled into history at many points, some of them not good.
The below video is labeled as the Dark History of Oktoberfest but I would say it is more bad shit that happened in history in Munich whilst Oktoberfest was happening.