Along with a statewide ban on plastic bags, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law an important craft beer bill, AB 2004 which will become the law of the land on New Years Day 2015.
AB 2004 was sponsored by the California Craft Brewers Association and authored by Democratic Assemblymember Wesley Chesbro of Arcata California. The gist of the law is broken down into two parts:
1) Beer manufacturers are allowed to sell packaged beers at Farmer’s Markets if they get/have a market beer sales permit
2) Breweries are also allowed to sell beer and wine on their own premises during private events
In essence, this creates two new markets for brewing companies to sell to. In regards to part two, a brewery could sell their own beer at a private party like a company holiday party or wedding but they could not also provide wine or other taps. Now they can and this could create an additional stream of revenue to destination breweries. This is a part of the game that a bigger brewery would be interested in.
The Farmer’s Market portion is something that I have seen in Oregon on a limited scale and I think won’t be huge here but it offers an alternative to those who gypsy/contract brew by creating a tap room of sorts to sell their wares to the public. I don’t think you will see a big brewery on the Santa Monica promenade but nano’s without a taproom or new brewers to an area might be well served to look into this as an option.
Neither may be game changers but both might just provide a boost of income that helps keep some craft breweries above water.