Brewery + Aiport # 2 – Milwaukee

Beer at airports cannot all be great and varied choices like in Portland or Denver, sometimes you have to settle for one place or maybe just one beer.

Such is the case for Mitchell Airport serving Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. You can go to the Miller Brewing restaurant and bar or you can head to Baron’s Beer Garden where you can quaff a Spotted Cow from New Glarus along with a small handful of other craft choices.

Review – There & Back from New Glarus & Sierra Nevada

Oh how I have been looking forward to this collaboration.  One because it is New Glarus and two and ESB. I love this style and I don’t see many out there, and back. How does Sierra Nevada do Extra Special bitter?


T&B pours a dark orange color.  Not much head or lacing here.  Rapidly faded on both counts.  There is a spice note in this beer very similar to Orange pekoe tea.  I like it.  Good balance of malt here, I’m getting some toast notes.  It is light but well away from watery.  Good carbonated bubbles really add to it.  Simple but not boring.  I think I might be due a trip to England because my taste buds seem to be leaning English of late.  I would have to rank this up there with Torpedo Pilsner and Electric Ray and close to Maillard’s Odyssey.  Top tier stuff.



New Glarus

You could celebrate America’s revolution with some nice New Glarus Organic Revolution which is made with organic Pilsner and Caramel malt, organic German Hallertau Hops, and nothing else. The use of 100% organic hops is even more than what’s required by the USDA, and it was just recently re-certified as organic.

My current beer wish list

These are the (4) breweries that I cannot get out here in Southern California but really want to try…..

Three Floyds
Magic Hat
Cigar City
and most of all…..NEW GLARUS!

What brewery do you wish distributed to you?