November Beer Allowance

So many good beers lately that I totally forgot to do a post on the October allowance.

I will not dwell in the past and instead move on to the now. I spied an increase in Moa beers at the Arroyo-Pasadena Whole Foods so I picked up the Breakfast (“Moa Breakfast Beer is a blend of premium wheat malt, floral Nelson hops and cherries.”) and the Tripel (“Moa St Josephs is brewed in the traditional style of a classic Belgian Tripel. Strong spice and clove characters create complex flavours and aromas which are heightened by its extended bottle conditioning.”). Then I saw an unusual cider that was dry hopped. so I got that too!

Breakfast Beer

MOA Brewing from Marlborough in New Zealand brings us a beer for the AM.

“Moa Breakfast Beer is a blend of premium wheat malt, floral Nelson hops and cherries. A very refreshing and fruity lager specifically designed as a European-style breakfast beer but more commonly enjoyed as a mid-afternoon beverage here in New Zealand. Although not always.”

Might be perfect with pancakes.