Best of # 2 – Civil Life

I looked through the Best of listed from Craft Beer & Brewing magazines lists and today I am highlighting a brewery from St. Louis, MO, Civil Life Brewing Co.

I like the Be Civil tagline, it puts you in a good mood from the get-go. Here are the beers that I would want in a first taster tray….

#CarlBock Lager – “Crafted as an authentic Munich Helles, increased to Bock alcoholic strength, #Carlbock is a nice malty and hoppy golden lager, with lightly toasted notes, a hint of spice, and a crisp finish.”

Festival Mild – “a delicious English-style dark mild ale. Malty, toasty, nutty, caramelly, with hints of coffee, chocolate, black cherry and plum, with an earthy, herbal, and citrusy hop balance. This is a stronger version of Mild, as traditionally brewed in Hampshire for special occasions.”

Black Lager – “It’s a crisp, clean, cold-fermented lager but darkly coloured with a discreet, fragrant roasty essence. Perfumey noble hops. Grainy and just a little toasty, with hints of coffee and chocolate. Light body and carbonation. Smooth and delicious, finishing with a nice dry snap.”

Altbier – “It has a subtle fruity-floral-winey taste like Kölsch, but is redder and hoppier, with a bit more malt complexity.”

Thank Heaven for Beer – The Brewery

You read that right. From blog to brewery. And you can help make the dream a reality….

…by clicking HERE to see their presentation on Kickstarter.

And after you have done that, tell your friends, write about it, tweet it, get this video under the nose of anyone who loves craft beer and can pony up even just $5.00.

50 from 50 – Missouri

I have had this lovely large corked bottle of Dark Truth in my ‘fridge for awhile and finally I decided to open it. It is part of Boulevard Brewing‘s Smokestack series, of which there is lot’s of great beers. A Belgian collaboration in particular.

Now I am up to 33! But sadly no new states are in my possession. But I do have trips to the OBF and to the Stone 14th Anniversary bash so I think I may be able to tick at least 2 states of my list, if not more.

As always, any help is appreciated. Click on the PDF to your left to see what I have done and if you can help. I will donate money to a food bank in your neck of the woods.