Hobbits in Santa Monica

Merry and Pippen.  Sorry, let me start again.  Billy & Dom and their travel / food program, Eat the World stopped off in Santa Monica and went through the brewing process of the Westside (not Middle Earth) brewery.

Santa Monica Brew Works is in the California section aka episode three but the series is not yet streaming here in the U.S. but keep checking for when it does.

The Next Movie / TV Tie-In Beer

Where is the next TV or Movie that spawns a beer series instead of just a plethora of branded cereals and logo’d t-shirts.

It seems that Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones beers are hanging on with all their might for prequels and sequels later this year and the next to juice up sales again. To be honest, I am not excited by an Iron Throne beer in 2022.

But nothing else seems to have made enough of a cultural mark to merit a NEW series of beers. The last crafty-ish tie-in that I thought looked cool was a Parks and Rec Scotch. And that is labeled Nick Offerman and not Ron Swanson.

Stranger Things has all sorts of ’80s nostalgia to mine or just use the creature names in a line of chocolate candy styled stouts. Vecna’s #001 Imperial Stout or Mind Flayer Milk Stout. But nothing. Maybe due to the main stars (under)age over the years of the show.

Maybe the new Star Trek could engage on a Brave New (brew) Worlds of beers. Red Shirt Red Ale, Captain Pike’s Old Ale. Anything to bring a bit of creativity to both entertainment and brewing.

There is no shortage of rated R shows. No shortage of shows or movies that people talk about. I don’t think streaming killed this particular golden goose.

I would like a What We Do In the Shadows beer. Anyone up for Gizmo’s Old Workd Grodziskie?

Why Now and Why?

Moylan’s is coming out with some Tolkien inspired beers. But my first question isn’t about how the might taste, but Why Now? Is there some Rings content hitting airwaves that I do not know about? Then my second question is Orc Piss? Really? Orc Blood or Mount Doom would have been better for a stout, unless, of course, there is some Rings content primarily focused on peeing.