A Book & A Beer – Mycroft Holmes

We head to the realm of prequel in this month’s A Book & A Beer with the backstory for the elder Holmes brother, in the book Mycroft Holmes.

What makes this peek into a little mentioned character in the books who has been enlarged upon in TV and movies is that the novel was co-written by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Yes, that one. As well as Anna Waterhouse who has screenwriting credits on her resume.

The actions begins at a crew race in England but spends the bulk of the time on the island of Trinidad. Where there is a rash of killings with an apparent supernatural bent. The book re-creates the winning formula of a Holmes brother with a trusted friend at his side, using his wits to solve a crime. There are turncoats and near death adventures before the final coup de grace is delivered by Mycroft back in England with the Queen in attendance.

To start off the beer choices, the first selection is Carib Royal Extra Stout from the Carib Brewery on the island. Staying in the dark malt realm and tying in the profit motive of the mystery is Oil Piers Porter from Surf Brewing here in California. Then I would add the IPA from the Cigar City Humidor Series to honor Douglas the cigar man and right hand to Mycroft.

In the Tap Lines for February 2016

We head into the second month of the year and more beer around the L.A. area. And a trip to Portland as well to do some new brewery hunting.

~ e-visits to three breweries from the pages of All About Beer magazine (again, but from England) including Brew By Numbers, Tiny Rebel Brewing and Howling Hops.
~ special featured reviews of beers from Founders Brewing of Michigan + a pair of Gose’s
~ Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark
~ A Book & A Beer reads a novel co-written by Laker legend Kareem Abdul Jabbar
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world
~ … and Session # 108 covers the topic, “Snowbound”

Here are two events to get your February started in the Los Angeles craft beer world:
1) February 4th – Bell’s Hopslam release at the Surly Goat
2) February – 10th – Bells’ Hopslam at the Glendale Tap