I totally understand that despite recent Delta setbacks, having a proper pint at a taproom is back and most people just want to enjoy that simple pleasure.

But this is a good time to really evaluate beers again, get back into practice. A good primer is HERE from the always fabulous Beervana blog.

I want you to focus on the two S’s. Subtlety and Surprise because I find that is what really vaults a beer into memorable territory.

We have all had beers that blasted us with one distinct flavor. But how often do we have beers that start with pine, say, but has a layer that you can taste but not quite put your finger on that accentuates the pine note?

Or what if that hazy in front of you has a big pine note, that would not be expected at all but now you have a disparate pair of notes that makes you notice what you are drinking.

What is normal is to get a perfectly fine middle of the pack IPA (insert other beer style here) that ticks boxes but doesn’t have the Easter egg tucked away.

So find those S&S beers.

But Will They All Stay Hazy?

I shouldn’t be surprised that plain old boring IPA has been dethroned by the “IT” beer of the moment. But the fact that 131 Hazy Pale Ales, 414 Hazy IPA’s and 161 Hazy Double IPA’s have been entered into Great American Beer Festival competition (706 total for those checking their calculators) is still mind blowing. The fact that American style IPA is way back at a mere 331 is crazy.

If I were judging (call me GABF!), I would run away from the three Hazy categories and head back to IPA which has been a gauntlet the last few years. The big question I have is, How long will the Hazy beers be sitting before judging and how will that length of time be factored into the judging. I mean, the category names have HAZY in them. My guess is that if I were coming from far away, I wouldn’t enter the category. It’s hard enough with the sheer volume of entries to break above the crowd but a super fresh option from Denver would have a definite home field advantage. As long as they have consistent haze of course.

Official competition statistics will be published after the GABF Awards Ceremony on Saturday, September 22.