Through Dec. 31

Per the Los Angeles Times, California will continue to allow sidewalk alcohol through the end of 2021.

You can read the full story HERE.

But why is this important?

Because, unfortunately, this may not be the last time a pandemic wreaks havoc. Variants abound as I type this and the US probably won’t ever reach true herd immunity due to laggard states.

Since California is a tourist destination, what are temporary work arounds, will need to be permanent options for visitors and to make safe the restaurant workers that remain.

I do think that more imaginative outdoor dining set-ups can be found but without the certainty that they willbe viable in the future means that many may be slapdash as opposed to creative.

And Mark the Calendar again…

There ain’t no party, well like a Blue Palms Anniversary Party.  And you only have a week or so to get in on the $55 price before it kicks up a notch.

But for those on the fence, 20 pours which is a fair number (especially for a hot August day) and the 90+ kegs brought in special for the event and the rarities that Brian Lenzo keeps unearthing.  There was beer from as far away as Brooklyn and Cincinnati last year.  Plus there will be some “core” beers which will flow that don’t require tickets.  But I bet the 20 will keep you plenty busy.

