This is one of those beers where you know what you are going to get but it still hits with a punch. Deschutes is known for their Black Butte Porter and Great Lakes has their Edmund Fitzgerald so you know going in that this beer is in each of these breweries wheelhouse. But then the beer pours a light cola color. Lulling you into thinking it is not that imperial. The aroma hints at the smoke but chocolate notes come into play as well. Then you take a sip and the smoke descends. This is really “rauchy”. And that liquid smoke lingers. You would need a big BBQ sauce to soften this beer. Otherwise, most other foods would pale against it.
Rauch is not my cup of beer usually. But I can tell what was being aimed for here and it was hit. If you don’t like the smokey then this is not the beer for you but if that is a something you like then this is one to pick up.