Magazine Review – Imbibe 75

While reading the latest edition of Imbibe magazine with their 75 movers and shakers in beverages, I quickly noticed a glaring tilt. Over 30 of the people and places featured were in the realm of cocktails while both wine and beer hovered around 10. If you add in distillery and spirits the total rises to easily over half.

I am not against cocktails or any of the specific bars at all nor do I require an even count across all beverages but damn that is glaring and it makes me wonder if anyone in the room brought it up..

It does track with media spotlighting tendencies though. When something is uncool, and craft beer is uncool at the moment, instead of building it up, the common practice is to ignore it and heap praise on what is cool.

Magazine Day – Imbibe 75

Keep on reading, as we peek into what Imbibe Magazine has selected for their “ones to watch” in 2024.

Of course my eyes were peeled for beer movers and shakers and by my count ten of the 75 were in that camp. And of those here are ones to keep on the craft beer radar to visit…

  • Heck Brewing – might this be the N/A beer that tastes like beer?
  • Keeping Together – a trip to New Mexico for an Averie Swanson creation is in order
  • Tin Roof Brewing – head brewer Maria Shirts is an MJJ Foundation winner, that is enough vetting for me
  • 7 Clans Brewing – new crop of Asheville craft beer that you should read the backstory on
  • Shmaltz Brewing – will it return better than ever?
  • Borderlands Brewing – America meet Mexico and female brewers
  • Greater Good Imperial Brewing – bug ABV only? Interesting zag in this day

Radio Imbibe

I infrequently pick up a copy of Imbibe magazine and that might explain why I was late to the Radio Imbibe party.

Now there is not much beer people being interviewed except for a recent Dr. J podcast. But since these are bite sized 20 minute episodes, they are fun to dip into and learn about beverages like Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey.


One of my favorite magazines is Imbibe. They cover all the beverages worth drinking. For their Holiday issue they talk about witbiers and barleywines. Both of which are great for the season.

Get some satsuma tangerines and a St. Bernardus wit and you will be happy or if it is late and you just finished off leftover turkey, grab a Sierra Nevada Bigfoot.