This is the second virtual festival assortment from the California Craft Brewers Association and with 10 beers total (I will touch on 6 of them) from up and down the state, let’s dive into some mini-reviews…
All Clouds Everything from New Glory – Super big pineapple notes. Like opening a can of sliced pineapple rings. Very soft texture but still holds a charge of bitterness.
831 from Sante Adairius – Not my favorite label design for sure. Quite dank with both pine and menthol notes shining through. One word review would be woodsy.
Today’s Forecast from Pizza Port – Another solid seasonal IPA from Pizza Port. High bitterness, Concord grape notes, toasty malt and nicely crisp.
Peanut Butter Cup Narwhal from Sierra Nevada – Just wow. They nailed the aroma and the flavor doesn’t strike you as sickly sweet. The light bourbon touch of this super rare beer takes it to a higher level.
Lazy Lasers from Three Weavers – Murderers Row of hops from El Dorado to Motueka to Citra and my new favorite Strata. Getting jasmine flowery perfume notes and as it warms more tangerine. Strong bitterness at first then earns into a softer texture.
Apricot Sournova from Almanac – Sour upon opening the can. Getting a little oak, a little apricot and zero vanilla bean. Gets more lemonade flavor as it warms. Thankfully not super sour but everything needs to be amped up.