2018 Holiday Beer # 19 – Strong Gale Ale from Buoy Beer

Having visited Buoy Beer this year makes me wish I could get my hands on their winter seasonal…

This 7.7% beer will warm you up when it gets cold, “Brewed with Caramel & Chocolate malts, this Winter Ale has a touch of sweetness and warm roasty aromas capable of weathering any storm. Swells of hop bitterness balance this robust ale with copious amounts of Simcoe, Comet, and Centennial hops.”

Holiday Beer # 31 – # 306 from Troeg’s

Happy Christmas Eve! I hope you have had a joyous, if slightly hectic, holiday season and that you can’t wait to open the gifts under the tree. Here is the final holiday “advent”ish beer to either find or put on your nice (shopping) list for next year…..

Yes, Troeg’s has a more traditional Christmas beer but I went with the latest in their Scratch Series.