Review – Evil Dead Red from AleSmith


What could be more perfect for Halloween?  For a SoCal hop fan, AleSmith’s Evil Dead Red is a perfect Halloween treat.  It pours a reddish brown and has a fragrant hop aroma coming off the glass.  The taste starts off with some chewy maltness that is quickly overcome by some sharp carbonation and a wild melange of hops.  I get a little citrus, some fruit punch and some floral notes.  And they are strong. But the whole thing is well balanced.  You get some more cereal notes at the end to really round the beer off.


And in keeping with the zombie theme on the label, my favorite Halloween film to watch is Shaun of the Dead (tragically mis-spelled).  Followed by the first Paranormal Activity, The Exorcist, Arachnaphobia and the Blair Witch Project.  I am not a big horror fan.  Don’t like the chain saws and knives and crazed pyscho’s on the loose.  I prefer a little more realism and some humor.  Maybe it is because I watched a Pinhead movie when I was young and was turned off the whole blood and gore thing.  Obviously, Evil Dead should be paired with it’s namesake movie but for Shaun of the Dead, I would go with Fuller’s Black Cab Stout.  Dark but light bodied.

Where to be on Halloween (or the 25th)

Halbreween Flyer

The party to be at for Halloween, and I don’t say that lightly because….

a) I hate dressing up and won’t do it

b) There is no B, just see point A

Anyway, here are the instructions for the night:


Hey Ghouls, Witches and Hop Heads. Beers in Paradise and Noble Ale Works are teaming up to throw an epic Halloween Party at the brewery on Friday, October 25th.

Come dressed up and join us as we enjoy a live music, delicious food trucks, costume contest, and a special cask release from Noble Ale Works specifically for this party!

When: Friday, October 25, 2013 – 7pm to Closing

Where: Noble Ale Works – 1621 S. Sinclair St., Anaheim, CA 92806 – 714.634.2739

Admission is free and dressing up is highly encouraged! Prizes will be given out to the most ingenious costumes. So tell your friends and join us at Noble Ale Works this October 25th.