Well Told and Designed

I am the last person who should suggest getting more glassware seeing as how I have more than I can ever use myself but I did like the design and the concept of these glasses from Well Told.

You get a Gatsby look and a little fun facts about the beer style. Maybe a good gift idea or if you can make room in your pint glass collections.

Needed or Not? – Stanley beer tumbler

Unless you have been under a large rock, you will have run across the Stanley Tumbler trend. A (somewhat) affordable must have item that people wanted to be seen with so coolness can be associated with and then some started obsessively collecting and fighting for.

But Stanley also has beer items as well. Like this….

A few problems, not clear so you can’t see your beer. Also not something you would use for Kolsch service or a barrel-aged beers and lastly, that is a price tag.

Needed? – No, a simple collection of a few specific beer glasses would be a much better choice.

Next Gen Glassware

Glassware for beer has been a frequent topic on this blog. From having too much of it, the recommended proper glass for different styles, correct cleaning and most popular, new and “improved” glasses.

Now Elevated Craft and their Kickstarter for the Hybrid Pint Glass is here and it lands squarely in that last category. You can see the “tech” in the image below:

Got a couple questions off the bat. One being that now I have to buy special glass thar fits into the metallic section? Why not make a metal base that fits a shaker pint which I already have oodles of? Second, why a bottle opener at the bottom? I can’t say 90% of craft beer is in cans because I don’t have actual numbers but just walk into a decent beer shoppe and you will see how needed that is. And also, who doesn’t have one or three bottle openers already?

I just do not see what incremental change this gives us but what do I know, the darn thing has all the funding it can handle.

1, 2 or 4

You see some weird shit on the internet, or at least Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying that. And this below is weird…

So many things to comment on.

  • how do you carry without dropping 1/4 of the glasses?
  • are they connected somehow?
  • how is each piece table stable?
  • how much beer gets stuck inbetween?

More Glassware

Despite not wanting to bring more glassware into the house and having to hide it, the last year has brought more Kleen Kanteen and Glencairns around and now I look at The Storm Tsuki Glass brings and think how cool is that.  According to the creators, it has “substantial weight, secure base, and aroma-enhancing shape offer an elevated tasting experience.”  There will need to be some accidental breakage or donations to Goodwill before I can buy though.

Proper (seltzer) Glassware

Been a bit since I have talked glassware but with bubbly seltzers and the ranch waters are part of the landscape now and maybe they need the right vessel

Will it improve a sickly sweet seltzter?  Maybe but it might be useful for a G&T or other sparkly cocktail.

What Happened in the middle

I have too much glassware, and yet… something about these curvy Budweiser Budvar glasses strikes my fancy…

I would assume the glass is for pilsner but then there is this mug version…

… there is also a version with a wine glass style stem at the bottom.

Fall Rally

Here is a “fall back” way to show your support for all Los Angeles breweries, the LA Brewers Guild Fall Rally glass!

Adorned with all the brewery names this glass is only available for a limited time and each glass purchased helps support the Los Angeles County Brewers Guild.

Very Specific Glassware

I think there are three different paths that beer drinkers take when choosing a glass for their beverage. One is the Next Glass Up, where whichever glass is there is taken. Second is the Match Game where you look for the brewery glass from the brewery you are drinking and then lastly is the Style Fitter. Kolsch go in a stange, Wild beer in a Teku leading to….

This ARTICLE about the right glass for Grodziskie a beer from Grodzisk, literally or the simple definition as a smoky pilsner,

Needed or Not? October 2020 – Part 1

Drinking gadgets generally fall under the helpful, outdoorsy and just plain gag gifts. Take a gander at the photo below and you should be able to figure out which of those three categories to put this in….

…the only thing that would make this gag”gier” would be if it were plastic.