I admit until I saw Issue 6 of Full Pour on a newstand recently, I did not know of its existence as a fancy quarterly beverage magazine.
But now that I do, I need to dive in and see what is inside the covers…

FP covers wine, beer, spirits and then infused? before non-alc and most of the articles inside are a page or two to start with before kicking into the features section which are not that much longer. Now I usually write very concisely but I felt many of the articles could have been expanded. There were 19 separate ones in this issue. Dropping it down to 15 and adding more detail would make it more engrossing. Especially the piece about craft brewing in India which I wished had more about some of the breweries. Or a map maybe. The other thing that riled me was that were as many cannabis drink articles as beer ones.
On the plus side, I was thankful for the charitable ads inside that were sponsored by advertisers. Always good to see people making an effort at being community based. The variety of articles was impressive as well.
For a magazine that is $20 a pop the bar has to be set quite high and while close, at least this issue, didn’t quite reach it.