Find YOUR Beer

Wilderness England has created a simple little internet tool for people to find just the right British beer for their tastebuds.

Here is the scoop, “Working together with craft breweries across England, from Yorkshire to Cornwall, the Wilderness team has indexed the flavour profiles of approximately 100 beers (and counting) across the entire country. Using a few key pieces of information – indicating preferred colour, body, alcohol content, bitterness and hop preferences, sweet or sour, fruity or not, or somewhere in between – this simple tool helps users discover which English craft beer best matches their tastes. It also provides information about the beer, which craft brewery makes it, and in what region in England to find it.”

Seems like a lot of data entry behind the scenes but as the number of beers grows this could be a fun sort of beer roulette you can play. Give it a spin right HERE.

Map that Flavor

from the Draught Labs website

Finding the right word is sometimes extra easy and sometimes excruciatingly hard. And when trying to convey beer flavors, you can quickly lose the thread searching for just the write word.

There are a few thesaurus type beer products out there but this set from DraughtLab have a couple extra things going. One is that they are brewer based so it is not a watered down beer ticker list. Secondly, they do hops but they have two malt maps as well. Since they are industry based, they have bulk pricing. So maybe find a few friends who could use a vocabulary boost.