Cherry Blossom

Firestone Walker Invitational tickets went on sale and then sold old earlier today probably in no small part due to their exotic beers like this new Vintage coming out this year that takes a base Imperial Smoked Porter and then ages it in Bourbon and Cherry bitters barrels. The ingredient that I think will really make this one work is the sea salt. That may bind these other big flavors together.

Review – Firestone Walker Anniversary XVIII

Each year when I buy the latest Anniversary beer from Firestone Walker, I crack open the oldest bottle that I have which is 6 years old at that point. Which means that number 18 is the lucky number. I now only have two of the old school 22oz bottles left before the format went down to 12.

Here is my review of 18 – I get a bit of cola upfront here.  Dark brown in color with not much head to it. A bit of spice and caramel come to mind. Does not taste heavy and is probably middle low in carbonation but not silky, more spiky to me.  A tiny bit of vinous quality to me as well. 


Looks like the Anniversary Blend for 2019 is the start of a blending dynasty.  According to a recent press release from Firestone Walker, “for the second year in a row, the winning team included Sherman Thacher and Daniel Callan of Thacher Winery, as well as Will Freeman and Phil LaMontagne of TH Estate Wines. They all walked away with the coveted “cardboard crowns” that are accorded to the winners each year.”

And in the e-mail were the details of the blend…..

 XXIII: The Final Blend

 Stickee Monkee aged in Bourbon Barrels (28%) – Central Coastal Quad

Parabola aged in Bourbon Barrels (28%) – Russian Imperial Stout                                                        

 Bravo aged in Bourbon Barrels (20%) – Imperial Brown Ale

Bourbon Barrel Helldoradoaged in Bourbon Barrels (15%) – Blonde Barley Wine

Velvet Merkin Aged in Bourbon Barrels (5%)  – Milk Stout

Tequila Barrel Helldoradoaged in Tequila Barrels (4%) – Blonde Barley Wine

It is cool that there is a double dose of Helldorado in this years mix, maybe they have other Helldorado barrels to make a single Blonde Barley Wine blend?  As is custom on BSP, I will review the new beer as well as the beer from six years ago.

Double the Jack

Double Jack is back!

Double Jack was retired in 2016, but like cult TV shows fans kept asking for it, so Firestone Walker has brought it back to life like a Halloween movie for a limited time. I will be looking for the variety pack that it will be tucked into along with Luponic Distortion 14.

Featured Review – Union Jack from the FW Hoppy Lion Variety Pack

On to the 4th and final of the beers in this variety pack from Firestone Walker.

Union Jack pours a golden orange sunset color. Lovely fluffy white head (probably due to my vigorous pour). Citrus aromas pop initially.  This is a very standard West-Coast IPA. Pine notes star. A generous alcohol kick on the back end. Hops stick to the palate. 

Of the four in the pack, I would pick the Union Jack. Both Easy and Grenadier were both on the watery side and the 13th Luponic Distortion wasn’t one of my faves of the series.

Featured Review – Luponic Distortion 13 from the FW Hoppy Lion Variety Pack

Pina Colada. Key Lime. Nectarine. Those are the three descriptors for the 13th version of Luponic Distortion from Firestone Walker. For me, I do get lime peel on the nose, so that is one down. This is a sharp IPA. Almost more of a margarita like flavor profile to me, so add a 1/2 point. Sparkly carbonation.  Little bit of pineapple in the back and as it warms a touch of stone fruit so add a 1/4 point. All told 1.75 out of 3.  I would rate this lower on the scale of 13 but still an interesting set of flavors.

Featured Review – Grenadier from the FW Hoppy Lion Variety Pack

First up from the hop filled Firestone Walker variety pack is Grenadier, a Pale Ale made with the Brewing Network. Will it be my favorite of the four?

Grenadier pours a dark yellow. Nice head retention and nucleation, easy to lose youself watching the bubbles climb. Fresh potpourri aroma. Belgian esters possibly? Wheat notes hit before hops do. Soft. Not super bitter even for a Pale. Orange-ade or maybe Marmalade and toast. Nice crispness to it. 

Light Enough to Fly

Might be a Firestone Walker record, (3) posts in less than two weeks but whereas the first two were posts that I am hyped for, this one, I am a bit confused by…

Both hazy and crisp? Is it a Hazy IPL? And then combining the haze craze with the low cal craze? Personally, I would do Single Hop Pils versions. Pivo is well loved and branching that out could be a winner.