FWIBF Brewery # 1 – Panimoyhtiö Tuju

I believe that Panimoyhtiö Tuju or just Tuju for short is the first Finnish brewery at the Firestone Walker Invitational Beer Festival so it has to be the first brewery featured this month.

For our taster tray, let’s start with…

K A L K K A R O- an American lager

K A R I B I A N P I L A T E S – Micro NEIPA

N E S T E H U K K A – a Red IPA

then finish with the barrel-aged barleywine, Remains – “Aged for eight months in cognac barrels, this barleywine has developed a truly unique flavor, while retaining all the best elements of its natural character. “Remains” possesses rich, inviting aromas that open the olfactory portal to smooth notes of dried fruit and toffee-like sweetness, while giving way to a dry, brandy-like finish, courtesy of the barrels.”

12 Ounces Long

This new RTD is being promoted at the right time. Canned cocktails are a growing segment of beverages and one with a story and a Hollywood connection will certainly get more play. For me The Finnish Long Drink sounds like an interesting way to incorporate gin without going the staid G&T route .

Sahti from Colorado


Lips of Faith soldiers on with a variant of the Finland drink Sahti. I have had the Nogne O and thought it wasn’t bad. Gin qualities and pretty light without losing complexity.

Here is what New Belgium says, “a traditional rye ale brewed with juniper, Trip IV is a hazy amber ale with a sturdy mouthfeel and a crisp and lively ‘finnish.’ Brewed with Pale, Crystal, rye malts and whole oats, Trip IV is bittered with Cascade and finished with Cascade and Amarillo hops. Juniper boughs are added to the mash and juniper berries, orange & lemon peel are pitched in the whirlpool creating a festive olfactory of citrus and juniper notes.”