Review – Prairie Artisan Ales ‘Merica


Damn.  This is mega funky.  And just when you think the funk aroma is done, in wafts more farmhouse.  Pours a hazy orange juice color.  I get a touch of the Nelson but the crazy funk from the yeast is the star of this show and I like it.  And the funk just doesn’t die down.  It teeters really close to cat pee territory without tipping over.  Just when I think it has gone over the line it pulls back just a skosh.


And boy is this label a trip.  Laser Cats. Weird Fish.  Bicycles and tailgating and so much more.  I would love to see a “patriotic” Bud drinker pick up Merica and think it was some peon to “real America” and then getting a pure blast of funk.


On the non-beer side of the ledger, I drank this beer while watching World War Z.  Now I read the book and really enjoyed it.  The movie is not the book in any way shape or form.  But I enjoyed the movie too.  Crazy cool Zombies and an ambiguous ending to boot.  Plus it had the 12th Doctor in it!