I am a bit nerdy in liking the economic side of #independent beer so when I saw this infographic regarding Pliny the Younger’s 2018 release, I had to dig in.
What caught my eye was that 40 states were represented and 17 countries. That is amazing in a day and age when hazy IPA can releases rule the day. I would have thought that the bloom is off the rose but the stats say otherwise.
Let’s do the Numbers
Though you could just look at a busy taproom for anecdotal evidence of the economic impact of #independent beer in L.A. The Los Angeles County Brewers Guild has gone one better and working with the UCLA Applied Research Department has the data to back up the positive claims.
The guild commissioned “an economic impact analysis report detailing the contributions of local, small, and independent craft breweries within our region.”
Frances Lopez, the fearless leader of the Guild has it boiled down to both graphical form….
…and other highlights:
1. This economic impact represents a 45% increase relative to a 2015 study by the National University System Institute for Policy Research (NUSIPR).
2. Guild brewery members’ economic activity generated $22 Million in tax revenue of which $13 Million went to state and local municipalities.
3. There were zero reported brewery closures in Los Angeles County within the last 5 years.
4. L.A. County has grown from under 5 operating craft breweries in 2009 to over 76 within the county as of April 2018.
5. The Guild is projected to be home to over 80 independent craft breweries in the county by the end of 2018.
“All data compiled features numbers exclusive to small and independent craft brewers in L.A. County as defined by the Brewers Association and does not include any businesses formerly craft or whose main operations are based outside of the county.”