First Brewer in born in America*

I am slowly but surely working my way through the entire Oxford Companion to Beer. All 986+ pages of entries alone and every once in a while, I come across little gems…
“The first non-native American is born in New Amsterdam, (perhaps the first non-native American male born in the New World) in Block & Christiansen’s brewhouse. Jean Vigne grows up to become the first brewer horn in the New World.” (this quote from

*granted this may seem inconsequential considering that the America’s were already populated and beer was being brewed (though in less quantity than Europe) but until such time as we (mostly me) learn more about Native American brewers and techniques, it is a nice nugget of beer history to know and I pass it on to you.

Funny beer news to start your week

from the Associated Press…

Heineken cracks down on tiny Swiss “Keineken”

AMSTERDAM — Swiss police have seized 1,000 bottles of locally made “Keineken” beer after the Dutch beer giant Heineken NV complained its brand was being infringed.

The name “Keineken” appears to be a pun in German meaning “No Heineken.”

Heineken spokesman Jeroen Breuer said Tuesday a judge in the Swiss canton of Obwalden ordered police to seize the brew after agreeing Keineken infringed the Heineken brand.

Breuer said Heineken doesn’t consider the size of its opponents when its brand is being misused.

“Whether the name is a joke or a way of getting publicity — those are questions for them to answer,” he said.

A note on Keineken’s Web site complains that foreign companies have “swallowed” all Switzerland’s independent brewers.

“Our name says it all: Keineken.”