You know the bottle/can. The one that you need the right occasion for. The one that you spent the extra dollars on. The cage and/or the cork.
Well open it. #DrinkItNow. That is what today is for.
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You know the bottle/can. The one that you need the right occasion for. The one that you spent the extra dollars on. The cage and/or the cork.
Well open it. #DrinkItNow. That is what today is for.
Dedicated craft beer fans have bottles stashed away either in a cellar or in the dark recesses of our ‘fridge but they do need to be drunk (at some point). Which is why whenever their is a proposal to head to the secret supply for a bottle, I like to promote it.
This time it is Allagash Brewing who are asking us to “drink some beers together that we’ve had stashed. The moment has come! #drinkitnow #getsocial 2.21.16”
No need to get all hashtaggy if you don’t want to but at least take a look around your beer inventory.