In one week the combined forces of Firestone Walker / Deschutes / Lagunitas brings a new type of event to Los Angeles….

The triumvirate of organizers say, “This is the first of what we hope will be a series of scavenger hunts all over Los Angeles.”
Here is the 411 for you:
Beginning at the first bar, clues will be given directing teams to various bars or locations in downtown Santa Monica (all w/in walking distance)
– Once your team has made it to the correct location you will have to correctly identify the beer being poured, at which time you’ll each be given one to enjoy
– Drink up, get your next clue, so on and so forth….
– At each location teams will also have the opportunity to collect raffle tickets by doing additional ‘challenges’, the raffle will be held at the hosting bar, The Commons, after the hunt
Jumping off point is at The Commons on Broadway, half a block East of Ocean in downtown Santa Monica
– Cost is $100 for a team of 4 or $35 for individuals (space is limited to 10 teams total so sign up now please)
– Sign up can be done in person or over phone at The Commons (address/phone number)
– Prizes will be awarded to 1st 2nd and 3rd place teams
– And because everyone’s a winner in our eyes, every participant will be given a commemorative t-shirt and other swag
It is good to see craft beer integrated into events like scavenger hunts that are normally the domain of the bad beers.