2020 is a bubble year in many different aspects. NBA players live in one in Florida, I live in a modified one herein Glendale and Deborah Feldman lived in an even more restrictive one growing up in a Jewish sect in Williamsburg in New York City.
This book had so many moments where I would not have survived. My brain is not wired to “behave” just because some dude says so. And for women, well the situation was much worse. Unless of course, you are one who is wired to follow a particular course.
Unorthodox has become a Netflix show quite different from the book. If you have binged that show, the book will be a good companion piece with additional information that will stagger the mind.
It would be an easy reach to say the He’Brew range of beers would be a good choice to be drinking. Especially considering that beer is not part of the ceremonial aspect of the religion. Instead I would look for wine/beer hybrids since that libation is more associated with the church. Firestone Walker makes a good many grape must beers as does Homage and Smog City.