The Beer is Sentient

What am I talking about? The IntelligentX Brewing Company, in Britain which is a weird (even for beer) collaboration between two not-breweries, a machine learning startup Intelligent Layer and creative agency 10x.

In a world first, IntelligentX is creating beer using a combination of data science and Artificial Intelligence. So far it’s created Golden, Amber, Pale and Black variants — and it is using some cutting-edge technology to do so.

Basically, IntelligentX’s has a decision making algorithm with the boring name of ABI that customer feedback data from a Facebook Messenger program to spit out what should be brewed next. Typical British styles like Golden, Amber, Pale and Black have been done so far. They also have “wild-card” ingredients that can be added and as more beer is produced, supposedly, a clear picture is seen as to what should be brewed more.

What it doesn’t seem to take into account is popularity of style in a city or region, the weather forecast or weather there is a holiday or big football match going on. Those being three data points that could affect whether a person picks up a pint or not. And that leads to the other missing data, those people who DON’T order your beer.

Will it succeed in London? The beers are available and there are brewery tours and events on their schedule.

Hop Gose

I have mentioned the Wisconsin brewer MobCraft on a couple of occasions and now have cause to do so again.

I had a (very) salty Gose at the Eagle Rock Session Fest a week+ back and it led me to look at the style again and I ran across this “Only in American Craft brewing” example of a mash-up….


The label isn’t one of my favorites but this type of hybrid does.  It is the type of beer that might get hop heads to try a new style and I think the combo just might work.