United Craft

Six episodes of Beer TV is coming.  United Crafts of America is a series “that celebrates the craft beer revolution sweeping across the United States.”

Starting in the  first episode that feature NYC and Interboro Spirits of Brooklyn before heading around the U.S. to Portland, Asheville, Boston, Great Falls and San Diego.

You can watch the trailer HERE.

Where is Ishmael?

Is whale hunting dead? Most of the people in my circle don’t do it. Simply because there are enough good beers out there, readily at hand. But if the Monkish Brewing can releases are indication, there is a market for it.

Into that breach comes the new TV show with the title of Modern Ahabs. The show promises “dives into the unique fanaticism that steers the pursuit for these highly sought-after, coveted trophies — known to enthusiasts as “whales.””

The show is by Jason Ley who is still looking for a network, cable or streaming home for his hunts. The pilot episode centers on Founders Brewing and their Kentucky Breakfast Stout (KBS) which isn’t the biggest whale out there if I have ordered it in California. Project PAM seems more worthy to me.

You can watch the pilot episode teaser HERE.