Weighty Topics

Angel City Brewery is using their platform today start some discussions. Those are the things where people converse and sometimes disagree but still remain cordial.

The DTLA brewery “will kick off a new quarterly panel series, starting with Crafting Conversations: Black in Beer, live on February 21, 2021 at 2p PST. This hour-long conversation is designed to spark and continue a greater discourse around intersectional diversity in the beer industry, as well as showcase the amazing ways each panelist is making the L.A. scene that much stronger in their own way. The discussion will also cover the past, present and future of diversity and inclusion within the industry, as well as improving community allyship. The panelist line-up will include:

That is a cool line-up of L.A. beer people so we aside some time on Sunday.

Think and Drink

One of the facets of modern beer drinking life is the lit screens that everyone is holding in one hand while drinking with the other. I bemoan TV’s in bars because it pulls focus but it doesn’t matter if the screen is tiny and brought in from the outside or is huge and part of the bar environment.

One aspect of craft beer taprooms though are games. Jenga being a popular one but I have seen card games being played including the current fave, Cards Against Humanity.

Now another card game by the name of Thinking & Drinking “will feature profiles of 300 craft breweries” on each card. Plus a question designed to get the table talking to each other and not to someone at another location via text.

My pull quote from their press release, “Instead, enjoy the moment you’re in and enjoy the people you’re with,” and any game that can do that is a step in the right direction.

Thinking & Drinking launched on Kickstarter this month.