Bravery Brewing has teamed up with Corvo Coffee, not on a typical coffee stout but a Bourbon Barrel-Aged Baltic Porter with roasted coffee beans on draft and in single 16oz cans, named El Valiente.

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Bravery Brewing has teamed up with Corvo Coffee, not on a typical coffee stout but a Bourbon Barrel-Aged Baltic Porter with roasted coffee beans on draft and in single 16oz cans, named El Valiente.
Might be more iced coffee time than hot but either way I suggest you check out A History of Coffee podcast.
Hosted by documentary maker James Harper and professional historian Jonathan Morris cover the history of coffee, sustainability, the rise of craft coffee and the future of coffee.
It is a six episode series with nearly as many bonus episodes and the hosts strike a good balance of positive and negative, light and dark.
This is a bit of a no brainer. Look to the stout section of your beer shop cooler and search out their coffee beers. But to throw a twist, look for a golden coffee stout. Or to get even twistier, look for one of the Oregon coffee IPA’s like Java the Hop from Fort George or Cold Brew IPA from Rogue Ales.
Time to show some love to the fellow beer writers over at the Full Pint, they have riffed on the famous Bacon and Eggs beer with…
“Sausage & Grits was brewed in collaboration with The Full Pint and Pizza Port Carlsbad. This elegant Coffee Porter at 6.5% ABV boasts flavors and aromas of perfectly roasted coffee, chocolate and caramel. Sausage & Grits features the “Daybreak Blend” from Steady State Roasting. This blend consists of Brazil and Colombian varietals.”
Do you remember your first coffee beer? Did you know that 25 years ago the now long gone Westwood Brewing Co paired with City Bean Roasters to make CB1? Now City Bean has teamed with Tortugo Brewing Company for CB25 coffee IPA.
· Hops: Mosaic and Galaxy
· Coffees: Ethiopia Bedhatu and Sumatra Kerici cold brewed
Here is a little more info on the City Bean / Tortugo relationship, “This is the third beer collaboration for Tortugo and City Bean, the first two being Tortugo Nog, a white coffee stout on nitro.”
Chapman Crafted is now more than just beer. On January 23rd at the more beer than coffee hour of 6:00pm, they will launch their cold brew, drip, and espresso that are made with their house blend roast, which they have named, Composition. Also on tap will be their First Roast Coffee Porter as well as other limited-release coffee beers.
Cold brew takes on new meaning when Wakey Wakey from Hermosa Brewing is on tap. Utilizing cold brew coffee from Later Days Coffee Co. this java inspired is one to look for while in the beach community.
Our final featured Fig Mtn beer is their Golden Coffee ale, Zero to Sexy.
Pours a bright and beautiful garnet color. Big fluffy head. Lovely lacing on the side of the glass. Coffee and cream aroma hits the nose first. Almost has an ice cream quality to it. The coffee is the leading flavor component. Milk chocolate note is there in the back which supplies not a mocha but that milky tone. Lovely dessert beer. Good use of both their chocolate and coffee suppliers…
Coffee beers are one of my favorites and to get a different taste of beans from Michigan is tempting.
Here is my review of Java Stout from Bell’s.
Java Stout is really strong on the Starbuck-ian very roasted bean side of the equation. Burnt notes with a bit of smoke are the dominate notes here. The base stout is overwhelmed in one sense but also holds the beer up. There is a load of bitter coffee acidity here as well. There are some fig and anise notes tucked into the beer as well. It is, in the end, well balanced despite the darkness of the roast.
I just wish the label weren’t some sort of Jigsaw meets coffee mug dementia.
Here is your teaser to what you will be reading in the Brew & You column tomorrow on FoodGPS….
DioNicEss has reached the # 10. And to go along with that momentous landmark, there is a special beer made specifically for the event by Julian at Beachwood Brewing in Long Beach. And I was lucky enough to see and taste System of a Stout before it was finished….
And here it is…. …before the aging with coffee and Armenian brandy are added to the mix.
And guests at the event will walk away with this custom growler…. To ensure that you try this beer (Oh and have a spectacular and extreme aged menu crafted at Beachwood BBQ), you will need to buy tickets HERE or grab a rare glass that will escape the brewery at select southland locations.
This will be a night of great beers and great food and I know this because I have been to a couple of these events and Gev keeps topping himself and because I really enjoy Julian’s beers. That + Beachwood food is all the reason you need to snap up one of the remaining tickets.