The Duo of Reviews today are two California brewed beers that I recently received samples of. Both feature agricultural products as well. We got peanuts and citrus.
First up is Oggi’s Roasted Peanut Stout.

Pours a super dark black. Espresso head fades super quickly. Missed getting a photo with my camera. You have to search out the peanut aroma but it is in the taste right up front. You can probably make some interesting food pairings if you look past desserts. Not a heavy beer. Mostly peanut and some chocolate. Simple and direct.
Next is the Citrus Wheat from Angel City.

The mural artwork on the new labels is quite cool. Grounds the beer as part of a community. Citrus Wheat pours an orange juice color. A bit hazy. Has a just juiced orange taste to it. Leaning toward tangerine. Once the juice is gone, the beer leaves you with the wheat taste solidly. Little sticky on the palate. As advertised on the name.