Christmas Beer Review – Samuel Smith’s Winter Welcome

It does feel like Christmas when the Christmas beers from foreign shores show up on shelves and one that I haven’t had in awhile is the Samuel Smith Winter Warmer.

This Shakespeare labeled beer pours a bubbly light amber color. Very British from the first wafts of the aroma to the first sip. For a beer low in ABV it is surprisingly a bit warming too.  I am also getting a small touch of metallic note here.  More dominant are notes pear and a bit of spice. Earthy with a good amount of hop bitterness. 

Sean Suggests for December 2019

This month we take a tour of Trappist beers from the East Coast and The Spencer Brewery.

Spencer Brewery / German Pils 4.7% ABV
“Straw colored with a light, creamy head, Spencer Premium Pilsner is an authentic German-style Pilsner. Traditional noble German hops provide herbal notes, a floral nuance and the classic closing bitterness. Crisp, clean and refreshing – perfect after a day at work.”

Spencer Brewery
/ Trappist Ale 6.5% ABV
“Our recipe was inspired by the traditional refectory ales known as patersbier (“fathers’ beer” in Flemish) in Belgium. These sessionable beers are brewed by the monks for their dinner table and are typically only available at the monastery. Spencer is a full-bodied, golden-hued ale with fruity accents, a dry finish and light hop bitterness. The beer is unfiltered and unpasteurized, preserving live yeast that naturally carbonates the beer in the bottle and keg and contributes to the beer flavor and aroma.”

Spencer Brewery
/ Trappist Holiday Ale 9% ABV
“Mahogany in color, wholesome in body, lightly spiced, a heart-warming feast day ale from our table to yours”

All of these beers can be found at Sunset Beer Co. (unless they got bought up real quick)

2018 Holiday Beer # 31 – Christmas from Olde Hickory

Off to North Carolina for our penultimate beer of the holiday season, Christmas from Olde Hickory Brewing.
“We believe our Christmas beer is the perfect beer for a merry season. Brewed from fond childhood memories of fresh baked cakes and cookies, Christmas Ale is made with Local Honey, Fresh Grated Ginger, Cinnamon Stick, and Fresh Orange Zest together with the finest two row barley, pure water, hops, and love. “

Holiday Beer # 30 – Christmas Ale from Abita

Our penultimate holiday ale comes from Abita (who will get more play tomorrow), this is a Louisiana Christmas Ale…

“Each year at the Abita Brewery we craft a special dark ale for the holiday season. The recipe changes each year so that Abita Christmas Ale is always the perfect gift. Its spicy character is excellent with traditional holiday foods such as gingerbread or spiced nuts.”