2011 Challenge – California Growlers

For the first six months, I have been trodding along slowly with this challenge. On my schedule, I can only carve out a bit of time each month to devote to it.

So it was with great delight that another growler believer has stepped into the breach and has really done a tremendous job in invigorating the cause.

Benjamin Katz brings a San Diego perspective and some much needed expertise. He is creating a website that will be up soon to augment the Facebook presence and I can’t thank him enough for spearheading that.

Stay tuned for more details and keep blogging about and Facebook posting and twittering about how you would like a Brewed in California Growler.

California Growler Challenge – May Update

Letters to politicians. In enough quantity and on a topic with no blowback can be powerful tools to get a law passed. And barring that, they can at the very least get politicians aware of the issue.

So with that in mind. Here is a sample letter about the California growler issue:

I am a proud and vocal consumer of craft beer that is brewed in our fine state of California and I would like to bring your attention to a small but important issue regarding how craft beer is legislated.

Brewers across the state sell growlers. A portable and recyclable glass container that can hold up to 1/2 gallon of beer. Right now, I cannot take a blank growler to a brewery and purchase their beer. I am forced (sometimes not unwillingly) to buy a specially branded growler from that brewery. But then I cannot take that growler anywhere else and use it.

So if I live in San Francisco and want to bring some beer back from Green Flash Brewing in San Diego. I have to hope they sell the beer I want in regular bottles or buy a growler that I can only use at Green Flash and not at Anchor Brewing.

There is a way to fix this inequity. A Brewed in California growler. A growler that can be taken anywhere in the state and filled at participating breweries. I would buy one (because we want to reuse and help the environment) and then I would buy more beer which will help business around the state. And who knows how many visitors to the state would buy them as keepsakes and for use on trips through the Golden State.

Please take this into consideration. Thank you for your time and service to California.



Once you have copied or altered to your liking, go HERE to find your local representative.

Remember to keep things cordial and respectful. Foul language and attitude are only going to distance people from the cause.