1st Visit – Brewport

It is hard to head to El Segundo without visiting multiple places. (Just on one corner in fact.)

I finally made my way to the newest addition, Brewport Tap House. A wall of taps with iPhone shaped screens line one wall and curve onto the back wall as well. I went to the counter, handed over my ID and then was handed a little device to put around the wrist that would be my monitor for beer or food purchases.

The selection was good. Though I did see 10 Barrel and Elysian represented. A good smattering of styles with the usual tilt to IPA. It took me a bit of trial and error and help from a customer behind me to get the tap to flow.

Pro Tip: put the two Brewport logos together, one from your wrist-let and the other framing the screen, and a green light will flare. That is your go sign.

There are various glassware options (though the shelving is a bit too low to comfortably see and grab). There are also wines on tap and food as well. I stuck with beer for visit 1.

You can pour as little or as much as you want which is great for the experimenters or those (like me) who like the 1/2 pint option. You can also check the tap list in advance to maximize your visit.

I am still wary of the letting the public pour for themselves idea but this seems well-executed.


Looks like Mayberry by the Sea is adding more beer with the wine, kombucha and beer concept of Brewport Market. Not much info yet but a bare Facebook page and non-existent website but with two breweries in town plus the latino cuisine of Sausal and Americana cuisine of Rock n Brews. El Segundo is awash in beer and food.