The purge continues! Not to say that I told you so but any brewery selling to SABInBev had to know that it was not a marriage of love but rather financial convenience. And when the money flow trickled, well as ‘N Sync would say, “Bye, bye bye”.

And now Tilray Brands and their CBD, THC, Kush, weed money has peeled off six breweries and one cidery from SABInBev. Shock Top, Breckenridge, Blue Point (the first purchased brewery if I am not too mistaken), 10 Barrel, Redhook, Widmer and Square Mile Cider.
They will join the power conference of SweetWater, Montauk, Green Flash, Alpine and the new Good Supply Lager which I did not even know existed.
Before rejoices are sung. I do not know if this is a good change or not. These breweries all have different strengths and weaknesses and need investment and most importantly patience. I am cautiously pessimistic because one company can’t have all the tools to help this disparate group.
But at least they are out from the thumb of Bud.
Maybe Tilray can buy the four remaining Pac- 12 schools next