We are living in a to-go curbside contactless world which sucks for browsers like me. But maybe the new Stout Bottle Shop will have a nice robust online shoppe for me to wander through from the seated position. Good to have outlets for both customers and the breweries.
Museum Quality + In the Cellar
Two interesting news tidbits practically screamed to be combined. The New School Beer Blog noted that a new Portland establishment called the Beer Museum had opened and though it was called out for being more tap room and beer accessory store, than museum, I found it highly interesting that in the closing remarks that this would be a better fit of a store for the Portland Airport.
Secondly, the Boston Globe has reported on the strained relationships between franchisher and franchisee of Craft Beer Cellar (One of which, I frequent in Eagle Rock). Stores are closing. Lawsuits are flying and so are insults.
Even with decreasing craft sales and increasing competition, I see bottle shops as a vital cog whose mission shouldn’t be re-booted but should be tailored to their community. If you are in a mini-mall next to a coffee shop, you should look into collaborating and cross promoting. If you are near a brewery or two, maybe you should have a special section for them in the cooler,
Tweaks not re-invention.