Onto Round 3 of the BrewDog TV review!
Sadly this was the final show of the year. Why no visits to Chicago or New York? Or Glendale? A bit of a stretch but why not come to Eagle Rock or Golden Road. Enough ranting, on to the review…
For some reason, the season finale in Boston was full of sexual innuendo and innuendo +, Over ten by my count starting with a Hummer Limo crack. The other oddity was the beer. This was, by far, the weirdest of the beers. And that is counting the Declaration of Independence thing. Lobster and clam with sour mash on top of a chassis of Scotch Ale. Doesn’t sound very appetizing to me. And again they took to the water to brew it because they hadn’t learned their lesson in the Portland episode.
But the like a good sports team, when one segment is flat the others pick up the slack. The oyster pairing section was delightful and it is great to see seafood getting into the conversation with beer. And the fact that they didn’t do the wine vs beer and instead made it wine vs. beer, cocktail vs. beer and spirit vs. beer was a great idea. Also the locales for the craft beer virgins were unexpected but part of the community, a boxing ring and a bocce court. Really cool.
Jim Koch from Boston Beer was game the entire episode and it was fun to see him be just as crazy as the Scots. It made the episode pop a little more like when a great guest star arrives on a TV sitcom.
Now if I could just get the hot tub of beer image out of my head, I could give it a proper rating.