Year of Podcasts -1 Beer 1 Song

Now this is what I’m talking about. Two dudes in Georgia with humor with a cool concept.  One Beer – One Song.

They attempt to focus on one beer and pair it with one song. Ballast Point Grapefruit Sculpin with comedy from Jake Johannsen or an IPA with Florence + the Machines. image

It is fun and fast and you get to hear the opinions of people and not just random nattering. They have compared vise to gueuze.  Hop Hunter vs. Lagunitas and more and you get some music to listen to while you sip your beer.

Beer and the senses

If you are a science geek or you enjoy taking the beer tour and learning about the process of making beer then you should also enjoy the science of how we enjoy our beers.

Beer Sensory Science gets a little wonky at times but there is good information and nuggets of wisdom in each of the posts that I have read so far.

The tips for buying beer has some good information and learning about the “off” flavors is interesting too. Another good post has loads of descriptive adjectives that really can help the beer reviewer.

One word of caution, the posts tend towards the negative results. Not in a sky is falling way but in a slightly patronizing tone. Maybe it was just my interpretation but most people will not notice that oxidization in beer is rampant. The writer is a professional and has a palate that is much more attuned to nuance than mine and probably most people. If you don’t taste oxidization or diacetyl as much then count yourself blessed and keep drinking.

another beer blog to check out

The craft beer world is filled with reviews. And there is a process underway, in my mind, of winnowing down to trusted craft beer sources. I hope to be one such person for those just embarking into the realm of flavorful beer.

Another great source is KSW Beer. They are review focused with good, solid writing. But they have two twists that I think differentiate themselves from other sites.

1. Female Perspective. They are prominently featuring women drinking beer. Awesome. The beer industry cannot grow without 1/2 the population behind us. They give voice to an under heard group and to that I say bravo.

2. Single Hop madness. They discuss hops and their flavors straightforwardly and because of home brewing knowledge, they aren’t feeding you a bucket of bad internet information.

So check them out.

Beer Reviews

You may have noticed that my site started with more reviews of beers than it does now. That is a conscious choice. I am not a great beer reviewer. My skill is more in choosing beer for people and getting beginners onto the beer bandwagon. But I would be remiss if I didn’t showcase some people who review well. Movies have reviews. iTunes reviews songs so I see the niche that is filled.

So if you want to see a clean site with lots of photos and well written reviews of a variety of beers, here is another that I can recommend…
Hoggie’s Beer Reviews. You can also check out his YouTube channel via his site as well.

The Beer Wench

To get a different vantage point on the world of beer sometimes you need the opinion of a Buckeye need the opinion of The Beer Wench.

All I had to do was read her, “about” page to know that she takes this seriously but also with a grain of salt. Beer drinking should be serious fun. Not to put words in her mouth, here is what she says about her and her informative blog…
“I aspire to be the “female version” of Michael Jackson — a beer evangelist harnessing an affinity for writing to spread the good word of beer all over the world.

I have called myself many names before, such as “beer brat”, “beer geek” and “hophead,” but no title seems more appropriate than “The Beer Wench.” To me, “The Beer Wench” is unpretentious and playful, which is exactly the main mantra of this blog.”

(Plus she does a great job of profiling other beer bloggers.)

So get reading already.

Eagle Rock Brewing

This is a great blog.

It is all about the building of a brewpub. It is both fascinating and frustrating. But the end of story will be great beer in Los Angeles.
