Swipe Right

What if you merged the worlds of whale hunters with Tindr? Well, you end up with Brewswap.

It is a craft beer trading app “ that will feature a prominent profile reputation system based on feedback scores as well as the ability to swipe on “for trade” photos from across the country or near your current location.”

Post your FT (For Trade) bottles and cans on the app and then head to your feed to swipe on other FT beers. If the magic happens and both users swipe right, the next phase is to message each other.

What I like: IP Mode
“In-Person mode which is in development, gives users the ability to discover and swipe on other Brewswappers within a nearby radius. This is ideal for those that like to meet up in person as well as people who are attending releases and festivals and want to see fellow Brewswappers in close proximity to them in real time.”

What I don’t like: Claims of troll elimination
“By giving users the ability to swipe and match with each other, Brewswap eliminates trolling and influencing of any kind, allowing for people to connect and iron out details in private without any added pressure.”

Maybe, by simplifying the trading process, users who don’t normally trade might be encouraged to give it a whirl and if that happens, the possibility of the trolls and Whale Bros. might be outnumbered or will leave for the more darker parts of the web.

Trade the Bottle

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I will admit that I am not a fan of the beer trading.  I always seem to think that I am missing some unspoken rule when swapping bottles.  Plus I am not a whale hunter so what I have in my cellar impresses only me in most respects.

But if sites like BottleTrade can become the “bridge” to safer trading then I would be remiss to not recommend at least checking their how-to videos out to see if it works for you.

So do that, if you want.