Brew Cave

Now if I had one the MegaMillions when it was at a bazillion dollars last month, one of the splurges that I would have made would have been to pick up one of these Brewcaves.

They sort of look like the shed that my dad had out back and I didn’t see a price tag on the website and I am sure the cost to operate would be a big line item on the electric bill but wouldn’t it be cool to have?

Instead of the boxes or cartons that most people store in or having to get a second ‘fridge so actual food can go into the main one. You could have a great beer shed!

Put your beer in a pouch

What do you get when you mix Capri-Sun technology with craft beer?

You get Beer Pouches!

The canned beer evolution is still gaining steam and now more ways to hold our precious brewed liquid!

Check out these advantages (according to the Beer Pouch folks)
More protective of fine beverages than a bottle or can
Light weight, Reduced freight costs
Reduced Air Exposure
No Light Damage
Folds flat as a dime
No Bottling Line Needed
Easy to pack off a glacier
Less expensive than using bottles
Fresh flavor, stable shelf life of the product
Makes your fine ales stand out from the crowd

Here is a photo of the pouches in action from the Beer Pouch website:

Thanks to the Beer Goddess, Lisa Morrison for pointing this product out.