Beer Science!

Science and beer are inextricably linked and two recent news stories really highlight that fact.

First up is Half Moon Bay Brewery and their NASA wastewater, HERE.

Salmon, do to our human meddling are having a hard time finding their way back upstream but trub from beer making might help guide them, HERE.

Eppendorf at the GT

There is a lot of science when it comes to beer. Some of it is useful for beer geeks to know to make educated posts, reviews and stray observations but some just clouds up your brain if you get to far into it and can stop you from fully enjoying your beer.

Recently the Glendale Tap brought representatives from the Eppendorf company to show off some of their equipment that analyzes beer.  Now I thought that a BioSpectrometer simply measure the color of the beer.  Which is helpful in making sure your amber is amber and your pils is just the right tint of yellow.  But what I didn’t know was that with a little bit of additions you can also measure tannins, IBU’s and many other things.

Granted the darkness of the GT wasn’t the best place to test out color but I hope that breweries will bring this side of the brewery out into the open for bloggers and others to learn about.  In my blogging years, I have only been in one or two labs.  And I think it is vital for us to know about how and why breweries use this equipment.  Maybe we can also get some new posts on BeerSci too.  To help us folks with limited science backgrounds.